How Radical Compassion and Radical Acceptance Are Interlinked

Jhon Birmngaham
June 25, 2022

I’m a therapist who prides herself as being evidence-based, intuitive, creative, and integrational.

Yes, I do therapy, but rarely do I approach it from a single lens — this would make me a therapist who borrows elements from many modalities to suit the needs of the individual that I am talking to.

Client seems to appreciate this, including those who have chronic illnesses. Plus, having that eclectic knowledge (on top of that traditional framework) is also useful, especially when the same client sees that I am on a similar page to other members of their care team.

Lately, I’ve found myself integrating more and more elements of the acceptance-and-commitment (ACT) branch of therapy, especially when many therapeutic modalities have already been exhausted with some clients (by other therapists).

Jhon Birmngaham
The author of up coming book on team managment and collaboration